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     No part of this Web Site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise, without the prior written consent and permission of Roberto Vazquez, the creator and author of "LARED LATINA."
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Please click here to access Vision Statement.

Please click here to subscribe to LARED-L Listserv.

      LARED-L is a Listserv List sponsored by "LaRed Latina" and . Its an absolutely Free and open electronic discussion forum for the Hispanic communities in and around Sierra Nevada (Intermountain Southwest Region) ie., Denver, Alburquerque, Las Vegas, Reno, the Las Cruces/El Paso Metro area, Phoenix, and Tucson, Arizona. However the LARED-Lis open to anybody interested in Hispanic issues, and socio-cultural events and activities regardless of geographic region. So don't wait! Subscribe today!

"LM50-L" (Latinos Mayores de 50 anos de edad) refers to Latinos over age 50. Though, "LM50-L" is an Hispanic Forum, all seniors regardless of religious, ethnic, or racial background are welcome to join. "LaRed Latina" in conjunction with , sponsors the "LM50-L" Listerv List: as a free public service for the Hispanic communities residing in Texas and Intermountain Southwest Region. It's Free. So, don't wait! Subscribe today!

LRL Internet Seminar Enterprises is a La Red Latina sponsored concern which is involved in conducting "Internet/WWW" seminars/lectures for High School, College, and University Latino/Hispanic/Chicano organizations and associations from throughout the West Coast, Southwest, Intermountain, Midwest, and Texas Regions.

For further information check out LRL Internet Seminar Enterprises


      Welcome to the The Motivational Online Forum at the National "LaRed Latina WWW Network". This forum features the best "Quotes of the Day," on LARED-L , the fastest growing Latino Listserv list in the country. We are very interested in obtaining your motivational and inspirational quotes as well. This way you can share your thoughts with other LaRed Latina visitors and subscribers. Please fill out the "FORM" below including your quote. When you are finished, press the "Submit Form" button. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Your name: E-mail address:

Thank you.

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Please click here to access La Sierra Nevada News Online.

      La Sierra Nevada News, is a Online publication founded in 1996, for the purpose of creating an information and communications forum for Latinos in the Intermountain region. The views expressed in La Sierra Nevada News repres ent the views of individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of LaRed Latina of the Intermountain Southwest.
Check out the News en La Gran Sierra Nevada!

Please click here to access Special Features Online.

      The following are special local and national press releases related to important socio-economic, demographic, and educational issues of interest to the Latino Community in the Intermountain and Southwest regions. Special Features also includes tributes to nationally recognized Latino Leaders.

Don't miss the Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta tributes!

Please click here to access Internet and Web Resources.

      Discover a wide array of business, career, professional, and ethnically diverse sites on the WWW. For travel information see Internet Travel Network, Expedia, Orbitz, or #1 Travel Network. Von Voyage!


     These are WWW Sites for the major urban Online newspapers in the Intermountain Southwest Region. Also check out the following national news sources; USA Today, U.S. News Online, Hispanic Business, Hispanic Magazine, Vista Magazine, LatinoBeat News Service, CNN Interactive, News Link,, Yahoo! Finance, Motley Fool Financial, Merrill Lynch, BusinessWire-Net , CBS MarketWatch, Lycos Stock Find site. For the best long distance deals check out or For in-depth political news and analysis, see (CNN/TIME) all Politics. If you plan to vote, make sure you Vote Smart!

The Salt Lake Tribune:
      Salt Lake City, Utah.

(Also see the Deseret News, Private Eye Weekly, and, Utah's alternative news sources.)
El Paso Times:
      El Paso, Texas.

(Also see the El Paso Courier, El Paso's alternative news source.)
The Denver Post:
      Denver, Colorado.

(Also see Denver's alternative news source.)
Las Vegas Review Journal:

(Also see the The Las Vegas Sun ,the UNLV
Newspaper Databases guide, and the Rebel Yell.)
The Arizona Daily Star:
      Tucson, Arizona.

The Arizona Republic:
      Phoenix, Arizona.

Reno Gazette Journal:
      Reno, Nevada.

Alburquerque Journal;
Alburquerque, New Mexico.


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  1. El Diez y Seis de Septiembre - 16th of Sept., marks the beginning of Mexico's struggle for independence from Spain.

  2. El Cinco de Mayo - 5th of May, commemorates the triumphant victory of the Mexican forces over the French interventionists in 1862.

  3. November 20 .... Mexican Revolution Day: This official Mexican holiday celebrates the Mexican Revolution of 1910.

  4. On the 9th thru 12th of December: Hispanics worldwide celebrate the miraculous apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe(1531), Patron Saint of Mexico and Latin America.

  5. On November 1-2 , Mexicans and Hispanics in the U.S. celebrate El Dia de Los Muertos ( All Saints' Day or El Dia de los Muertos).

  6. The First "Thanksgiving Day" in El Paso: According to documented Spanish historical records, the first Thanksgiving day in America is supposed to have occurred in El Paso,Texas, in 1598, roughly fifty years before the first Anglo Saxon Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth Rock.

  7. Los San Patricios: Mexico's fighting Irish. In 1847, 150 years ago, 48 Mexican Irish soldiers were hanged for desertion by the US armed forces in Mexico City.

  8. Veterans Day: Latinos and(or) Chicanos are the most highly decorated ethnic group in America. Check it out!

  9. Latino "Nobel Prize" Laureates: Professor Mario Molina, Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, Octavio Paz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Pablo Neruda, Rigoberta Menchu ...........

  10. The Aztec Sun Stone: The history of an ancient Native American people etched in stone.

  11. Links of Interest to Catholic Families.

Search Engines from around the WWW:

     Whether your interest is business, government, political science, engineering or philosophy, the following search engines will make your search, research, or investigation a lot easier. So take a plunge, and have a great schola rly time. (Note: Make sure you check out Merriam Webster's Dictionary/Thesaurus Online. before you begin your search.)



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Drop me a note at: Or simply fill in the form below. When finished press the "Submit Form" button. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Your name: E-mail address:

Thank you.

If you would like to make a pledge to help us fulfill our CyberVision in America, please contact me Roberto Vazquez, CEO, LaRed Latina Net, via e-mail at, or kindly press the Donation button below.

We appreciate your interest and support, and look forward to hearing from you.

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