Venceremos is a quarterly Chicana/Chicano student publication founded in 1993, and is recognized by the publication council of the University of Utah.
The views expressed in Venceremos represent the views of individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ASUU or the regents of the University of Utah.
Curriculum: UNCLASSIFIED, Phone: (801) 539-0773/ Department: Business
Adm., or E-mail to:
Address: 301 SOC BEHAV SCI, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112,
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Address: 323 MBH, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112,
Office_location: 366 MBH, Department: Ed. Psych./Title: ASST PROFESSOR,
Phone: (801) 581-5806.
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