How to Subscribe to the LARED-L Listproc List. |
Electronic Networks are powerful e-mail forums you can use to communicate and interface with other people throughout the world regarding a wide range of socio-economic, ethnic, political or scholarly issues.
The LARED-L Electronic Discusssion Group is an absolutely free and open electronic forum for the Hispanic communities in and around the Sierra Nevada (Great Intermountain Southwest Region) ie., Denver, Alburquerque, Las Vegas, Reno, the Las Cruces/El Paso Metro area, Phoenix, and Tucson, Arizona. However the LARED-L is open for anybody interested in Hispanic issues regardless of geographic region.
The following instructions will show you how to subscribe to the LARED-L Electronic Discusssion group.
In order to participate in Electronic Listserv
Groups, you must already know how to use E-mail correctly and have an
Internet account. E-mail accounts can be opened for free if you are a
registered student, staff, or faculty at any college or university.
You can also
obtain a Free (Web-Based) E-mail Account
which you can use to subscribe to LARED-L Listserv
by filling out a simple form at
Otherwise you can open a commercial Internet account
for about ten dollars, more or less, a month. I will recommend that you
avoid the national ISPs (Internet Service Providers) such as
AOL(America on Line), or Compuserve, because their service
fees tend to be relatively high. By shopping around, you can a find local
provider whose fees will be a fraction of what the National ISP
companies will charge, and for the same Internet services.
For those persons who are not familiar with Electronic Mail (E-mail), the Pine Information Center at the University of Washington provides extensive information about how to use E-mail.
It takes just five minutes to subscribe. Just follow
the few simple steps below, and you will be Online with the rest of
us. A few minutes after you send out your message, you will recieve from
ListProc a message confirming your subscription. It's that
simple! After you get your subscription confirmation, you can start
submitting posts to the list. Just make sure you submit your post to the
List ie.,
and not to:
To subscribe to LARED-L please follow the directions stated below.
Address your e-mail message to
Leave the "subject" line blank.
For the message, type subscribe LARED-L and your name.
subscribe LARED-L Cesar Chavez
You should receive a mail message indicating the status of your subscription request which has to be confirmed. Once your subscription to the mailing list has been accepted, you will receive a Welcome message. Save the Welcome message because it usually contains important subscription commands and information about the group that you may need later. You may at this point proceed to send electronic mail (POSTS)to the LARED-L list address at;
To unsubscribe from LARED-L please follow the directions stated below.
Address your e-mail message to
Leave the "subject" line blank.
For the message, type unsubscribe LARED-L
unsubscribe LARED-L
In a few minutes you will receive confirmation of your unsubscription
from Listserv.
Note: Notice that to unsubscribe, you don't need to include your name as you do when you initially subscribe to the list. The reason for this is that the machine already knows your name.
Note: Try subscribing and unsubscribing from the LARED-L several times,
until you get the hang of it. You will find that most lists use the same
commands to either subscribe or unsubscribe ie., "subscribe," to subscribe
to a list, and "unsubscribe" or "signoff" to unsubscribe.
To subscribe Online to LARED-L, please go to
For more information contact:
Roberto Vazquez, LARED-L Listserv Owner/Moderator at:
The * LARED-L * is your own Regional Electronic
Discussion Group, so let your friends, colleagues, associates, and
relatives know about this fabulous and powerful new communications medium.
Of course, its up to us Techno-savvy subscribers to show others how
easy it is to subscribe to Listserv lists.
LaRed Latina of the Intermountan Southwest
recommends and endorses the following Hispanic Listserv
Lists which deal with Latino/Chicano related issues and
concerns. Due to the high volume of mail traffic generated by listserv
lists, it is not recommended that you subscribe to more than three or four
discussion groups at a time.
Please let me know if you have any problems
subscribing to LARED-L. I will be glad to help you out.
Congratulations! Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de Listserv Electronic Networks.